The Boyd Theater in Philadelphia is at a crossroads: financial sustainability is only achievable with, for all intensive purposes, with the destruction of the theater. What you say: destruction of the theater? Yes, that's the conclusion of the latest assessment and desire of developers who propose to effectively gut the building and convert it into what maybe could be a sustainable opportunity. The alternative to this plan: government and possibly philanthropic subsidies.
I would wager that government and philanthropic subsidies is pretty much par for a great number of such historic entities. But maybe that was the past and maybe the future for such sustainability strategies is not so feasible. And so shall these institutions fall?
These are obviously difficult challenges for a nonprofit board. Nonprofit boards must pusue mission and the pursuit of mission requires ensuring the model for sustainability is sound. It appears there is no win:win solution or at least that the win:win solution is not consistent with what the board believes was its mandate. But, feasible is it not? There is certainly much work ahead for this board.
See here for the story.