Victoria Burkhart, CEO at More Than Giving Co, Nonprofit Executive Director, Nonprofit Fractional Staffing, Executive Coach.
Nonprofit boards spend time and resources searching for the right professionals to fill their nonprofit's C-suites. They create comprehensive position descriptions to cover every manner of oversight, including financial management, operations, facilities management, human resources, communications, fundraising, program development and more. They thoughtfully consider and outline the skills, education and experience they feel are required to do a great job.
In addition, they spend considerable time ensuring that the nonprofit professionals they hire will “fit” with the culture of the organization. They want to recruit people who understand and appreciate the values and mission of the organization. They want their organization's executives to share their vision and passion for the change they want to see in their community.
With all of that detailed preparation, it would be reasonable to assume that every C-suite hire leads to a long and successful executive-board partnership. Right?
Not necessarily. The sector’s workforce shortage continues. Nearly three out of four nonprofits responding to the National Council of Nonprofits' 2023 Nonprofit Workforce Survey reported job vacancies. The pinch can be felt at the chief executive level as well: A national career transition firm reported an alarming 73% increase in CEO exits when comparing January 2024 to January 2023.
If you are a nonprofit professional, you likely know chief executives who enjoy highly effective partnerships with their boards (I hope you are one!). It is equally likely that you have witnessed or even experienced an uneasy and unproductive relationship between the volunteers who are ultimately responsible for an organization’s success and the executive they retained to lead it.
There is tension built into the very structure of a nonprofit, to ensure that the organization behaves as promised in its charter. One of the board’s main duties is to hire and oversee the chief executive; the chief executive reports to and is accountable to the board.
It would be unrealistic to expect that the board and chief executive would be in complete agreement all the time. In fact, serious debate around critical issues is healthy. But for the organization to move forward, the agreements and compromises must outweigh the points of contention. When the discord goes too far, there will be telltale signs:
• Board meetings become unproductive.
• Fundraising baseline metrics are missed.
• Strategic initiatives stagnate.
• Everything seems to be a crisis.
• Leaders stop communicating; messaging in general becomes fuzzy.
• Staff are boxed out and begin to feel disengaged and burned out.
• It becomes increasingly difficult to retain staff.
• Decisions are made in a vacuum and without the needed expertise.
• The board’s confidence in the staff is weakened.
Trust Is Key
While it is true that the board is responsible for overseeing their chief executive, they must also be willing to place their trust in that individual to guide the organization toward mission and vision fulfillment. Of course, trust is a two-way street—the executive must also be able to trust that they will have the board’s support and that the members will meet their responsibilities, particularly those related to ensuring adequate funding to achieve the organization’s goals.
An Ounce Of Prevention
The relationship between a nonprofit board president and the counterpart executive staff member is so key to the success of the organization that it should not be left to chance. Yes, large decisions—especially about funding or strategic direction—rest with the board. But it is the expertise of the hired professionals that will ensure these decisions are implemented successfully. Here are a few guidelines for ensuring that the board-executive partnership starts, and stays, on the right path:
• Put into place and nurture a succession plan for all leadership positions, both staff and volunteer.
• Include a thoughtful leadership transition plan for board leadership and top executives to help ensure a smooth transfer of responsibilities.
• Clarify lines of responsibility. Come to a mutual decision about what responsibilities will fall to the board president and which will land with the chief executive, and respect those lines.
• Assume that lines of responsibility will need to be reviewed and possibly reclarified to accommodate leadership transitions. What might seem obvious in one partnership may need to be adjusted for another pair.
• Collaborate on strategic planning to encourage deep thinking and alignment about the current state of the nonprofit, where it ultimately wants to go and the right pathway to get there.
• Identify and capitalize on the expertise at hand. Everyone has something of value that they can contribute.
• Provide regular professional development for board leaders and executive staff to refresh everyone’s understanding of their roles while introducing new knowledge about nonprofit effectiveness. Include sessions where the board and executive staff learn together.
• Consider professional co-coaching for the board chair/president and chief executive to grow their ability to lead in partnership with one another.
• Communicate regularly! Schedule conversations if necessary. The organization’s top leaders need to be open and honest with one another and transparent and consistent with the board and staff.
• Model the type of commitment you want the rest of your board and staff to demonstrate. In a nonprofit, everyone needs to be ready to roll up their sleeves when it’s all hands on deck.
Build A Winning Partnership
A nonprofit is best positioned for success when there is a strong, collaborative relationship between the board president and the chief executive. When that level of alignment is achieved, an organization will achieve a higher level of sustainability and will have a greater impact on the community it serves.
Forbes Nonprofit Council is an invitation-only organization for chief executives in successful nonprofit organizations. Do I qualify?
Victoria Burkhart, CEO at More Than Giving Co, Nonprofit Executive Director, Nonprofit Fractional Staffing, Executive Coach. Read Victoria Burkhart's full executive profile here.