I suppose that labeling bad action by board members as bullying is a fair enough label. I don't know how prevalent is this practice but based on the stories shared in this article, prevalent enough to warrant some consideration. So, for some light summer reason, do consider.
Recognize board bullies before they divide organization | Notes on Nonprofits
This column on board bullying first ran in 2015 and was written by Kelly Otte. Since then, Kelly and I pledged to run it whenever we receive a question or call for help on this issue or witness a board bully in action.
Unfortunately, bullying is prevalent in the nonprofit sector and can occur between board members and between a board member and the Executive Director. In both cases, it is a divisive issue that results in a fractured board which often leads to resignations of board members, ED, or both. Here are Kelly’s words of advice on how to recognize bullying and what steps to take to stop it.
Misuse of perceived power
A board bully is someone who uses whatever means necessary to get what they want. I have theories about why board members become bullies.
The first is a misuse of perceived power. Many years ago, I had a board member who worked for the owner of a large company. A member of my staff was soon to be the ex-wife of the same business owner. It was a random set of circumstances that tied them both to the organization and there was no reason they would ever cross paths.
One day the board member called our office and spoke to my assistant while I was out. She demanded to know how much my staff member, the soon to be ex-wife, was being paid.
When my assistant refused to disclose this information, the board member puffed up and reminded my colleague she was addressing a board member. How can anyone possibly think this was acceptable behavior?
Misunderstanding power
Another reason for bullying behavior is when board members misunderstand what power they have. The only time board members have legitimate power is when they are convened at the board table and conducting the business of the board or when a board has delegated them to have specific power, such as a realtor board member negotiating the sale or purchase of property.
In one example, a board member was not happy they were seated at the back of the room for an event. They complained to the ED who explained sponsor tables were closest to the front with individual seats after that. The board member didn’t like the answer and told the ED to move them to a closer table. When the ED refused the board member found the Chair and asked them to order the ED to move them.
The Chair refused. At the next board meeting the offended board member asked the board to publicly discipline the ED for not obeying them. Ironically, the board member had not even bought or sold a single ticket to the event. It’s called board service for a reason. The day it starts being called service for board members is the day people can start behaving as if the organization is there to serve them.
I have heard countless stories about board chairs that try to provide daily supervision of the ED which is another bullying behavior. Expecting to sign off on timesheets, being involved in staff personnel issues, and asking for weekly reports of the EDs activities are examples. Another is expecting the ED to drop everything when they call or drop by.
EDs and boards have a servant leader relationship. Sometimes the board leads and sometimes the ED leads. Boards should give broad discretion to the ED to do their work and then evaluate the ability of the ED to meet clearly defined outcomes. If the board chair feels the ED needs close supervision something is wrong. Either the chair is out of control or the ED isn’t doing a good job; both require board action.
Manipulation and intimidation
Bullying can also occur when the board chair rules instead of governs or uses manipulation or intimidation to force the board into doing what they want. Talking endlessly instead of facilitating conversation and dictating decisions instead of allowing for discussion are examples of this.
I’ve worked with organizations where the board chair has aligned themselves so strongly with the ED they refuse to allow any discussion about the ED’s performance and badger or berate board members who ask questions. I know of an organization that almost went out of business because the board chair was so dead set against anyone criticizing the actions of the ED that saving the ED became more important than saving the organization.
In another example, a board chair, at the request of the ED, told the staff anything perceived as speaking up against the ED would be seen as insubordinate behavior and they would be terminated.
How to respond to bullies
So, what happens when there is a board bully? Unfortunately, these situations are not easy to rectify, and they often force valuable board members and EDs to leave. Bullies have power for a reason and most board members are unwilling to take on that kind of conflict.
If you are a board member and have a bully on your board, I advise you to stand up for what is right. You have as much legal authority and liability as the bully so don’t let them make your decisions for you.
I also believe the ED has to figure out how to address the situation, albeit sometimes very carefully and strategically. One ED asked me to come in as a consultant and I was able to facilitate change through education.
Another time I joined a board at the request of several board members to help move on a bully board chair in his fifth year as chair who was destroying the organization. It was not easy and many times the board room was very testy as we worked to redistribute power and clean up processes but ultimately the board members rallied around doing the good work and the board chair eventually moved on.
Remember, board service is not for the faint of heart and leaving the board because you don’t want to deal with a bully doesn’t make things better for the organization, it only makes it worse.