In my consulting practice I see too many times where the Exec firmly believes and carries out this belief that it's "their" board and the board should understand this and do as they are instructed and otherwise "stay out of the way". I know in fact that there is even one school of thought that promotes the board as a tool of the exec and it's on the board to understand this and behave accordingly. This is not my school of thought as I firmly believe that it is the exec who is serving at the "will" of the board and responsible for both carrying out the board's vision and ensuring the board has all the knowledge it needs to fully execute its fiduciary duty. So, it is somewhat refreshing, if not singularly a playing with words that a member of the Forbes Nonprofit Council offered the following 5 tips for helping their board succeed. I have of course added my own thoughts in the body.
Kristen Jaarda, J.D., LL.M., CAP® is a philanthropy executive, nonprofit attorney and Vice President at American Council on Gift Annuities.
Your board casts the vision for the work and mission of your nonprofit organization. Nevertheless, the ideas and talents of nonprofit board members are sometimes underutilized, neglecting a potential catalyst for an organization’s success.
As a board member and advisor to numerous boards, I have seen that the effectiveness of a nonprofit board may be the greatest factor in whether an organization thrives. Here are five ideas for your nonprofit board to help your organization succeed in the current environment and the future.
1. Interview your board members.
Have you asked your board members how they feel about serving on your board, what is working and what needs to improve? Asking board members to share their views is an important step in making the right decisions for a nonprofit organization. In my experience, the board will be more candid about their thoughts and feelings if they know their comments are private. One of the boards I serve on hired an outside consultant to conduct interviews and preserve board members’ anonymity.
What should you ask your board? Create a set of questions covering how the governance model is working, the responsibility and workload of board members and committees, the adequacy of the nonprofit’s funding plan, the state of membership growth and plans for the longevity of the board and organization. As a result of these interviews, you may find you need to shift priorities, change one or more roles or update your succession plan. A data-driven nonprofit will use the data gathered from board interviews to guide its decision-making moving forward.
I would add that the board should be regularly asking these questions of themselves - possibly in a post-regular board meeting Executive Session. These post meeting 20-30 minute reflections are excellent for giving all the board members a full picture of how their board experience is going and identifying what could be done better or different. This can also be the place to formulate messaging to the exec.
2. Perform a risk assessment.
Do you understand your organization’s greatest risks, and do you have a plan for overcoming these risks? I have served on boards that never discussed risk, and when a crisis occurred there was no plan. How do you perform a risk assessment? An outside consultant may be helpful, but a nonprofit board can also conduct its own assessment. On one board where I served, the organization chose to use a former board member as a facilitator for their risk management discussion.
If a board is meeting in person, I like to track responses on a whiteboard. Write down the top five potential risks the organization is facing or could face. (If the meeting is virtual, the person assigned to take minutes may record responses). Once risks have been fully discussed, write suggestions for how to address or resolve each challenge. Also note where the organization has already taken steps to mitigate risk. Following the meeting, assign a team to write up the recommendations and include the potential costs to avoid future risk. While a nonprofit cannot foresee every possible risk, the exercise of creating a risk-management plan will prepare it to address uncertainties ahead.
As risk management and compliance is essentially how boards execute their fiduciary duty, this is a matter that I believe should be introduced at every board meeting and of course can comprise the subject of a full annual retreat day. This should not be a one-off subject but one where the board asks their exec for periodic updates and time is given to make appropriate adjustments.
3. Set attainable goals.
Creating a strategic plan is essential, particularly when there are numerous multi-year goals. One of the boards I worked with implemented a strategic plan over three years, and remarkably, it achieved most of its objectives. Another board I served created a strategic plan every year, and because the board turned over annually, the recommendations were almost never implemented. If your organization doesn’t have the bandwidth for another strategic plan or will not be able to implement a plan in the foreseeable future, I recommend you simplify your goal setting. Uh, strategic is long range by definition. One year is not a substantive amount of time to understand how the ship is doing or turn it around.
One CEO I worked with sets three to six annual goals for his organization. I like this strategy because it is easy to know the nonprofit’s priorities and projected accomplishments on a year-by-year basis. If you don’t have a plan for the remainder of this year, talk with your board about what you wish to achieve and then set a few written attainable goals for this year and the year ahead. You might find that a simplified approach works well at helping your board and nonprofit stay on track. Yes, the CEO can work FROM goals that fit within the board's strategic plan.
4. Create a governance plan.
I have been surprised to work with nonprofit boards that lack basic committees and procedures to accomplish their work. If this is your organization, think about implementing a written governance plan and updating your bylaws. Most boards of a reasonable size need a membership, finance, communications and governance committee and specialized committees based on the organization’s mission.
There should be a process for nominating and training new board members (including a handbook). Nonprofit boards need procedures for bringing and approving motions and if large enough, an executive committee to steer decision-making. I encourage term limits to bring fresh energy and ideas to the board. Succession plans are also necessary for nominating new members and leadership positions, including committee chairs and the board chair or president.
No, no, no to executive committees! They leave some board members out of the decision-making while this is the job of the whole board. Yes, yes, yes to Governance Committees - they can develop a plan for the board's discussion, action and implementation.
5. Ask your board to fundraise!
Many boards are not engaged in fundraising, but board members are some of your best ambassadors. They should be expected to financially contribute and encourage their friends to support your cause. Have your board members make a list of their connections who might be willing to become supporters. Provide them with the language to share your mission and help them articulate the reasons why they have chosen to help your organization in its work.
Your board members can make the “ask” to their friends with a little coaching from your fundraising team. I recommend role-playing as a way to prepare them for specific asks. One of the best books to share with your board on this topic is The ASK by Laura Fredricks.
If you haven’t asked your board for their ideas, input or help with fundraising, now is the time. Your board members are smart, talented people who care enough about what you do to serve your organization. They are among your greatest assets — so make sure you utilize them for all they can and will contribute to your success. OK but be sure to ensure that board members have this expectation when they are first recruited to the board.
Forbes Nonprofit Council is an invitation-only organization for chief executives in successful nonprofit organizations. Do I qualify?