From the rather lengthy article in the Times Free Press we learn a lot about how personal egos can trump (not meant to be a reference) faith and faith is not always the healer when two faith bodies are rendered asunder.
The case between a Christian college and a Christian youth development organization (that's what I am going to refer to it as) is long, winding, multi-tiered, expensive for both parties and definitely not one where healing is an object and the boards have insight, authority or apparent responsibility. One could even suggest that both boards have sacrificed their obligations and just simply passed these on (no, that's not responsible or even technically legal) the management.
Unusual, I pose not in recognition that there are many, too many to count, boards who, once they have put in place an exec (or CEO) effectively give up the ghost and allow all that transpires to be decided by that same exec. Yes, not ideal nor even nearing the principles embodied in "good" governance and at minimum, a woeful failure in what is defined as the measure for what is viewed as "appropriate" behavior by a board: prudence.
The only positive result of this case: lots to learn from.
Here's the Times Free Press story. Please take a look. There are so many lessons.