By now you are likely aware that the US Bankruptcy Court turned down the NRA's request for bankruptcy on the grounds that it was looking for a way out of its troubles in New York. In New York the CEO, effectively backed by the board, has gone on a rampage through the assets of the NRA to his own good, at least for now. And the board just twiddled its trigger fingers. Should all be canned? Absolutely! But more eloquent is the following opinion statement from
Although we oppose pretty much everything the NRA stands for, the organization, the leadership and its members are entitled to their political positions. But the NRA’s leaders are not free to bleed the nonprofit organization for personal gain, nor to flout laws governing how such organizations must operate, as New York alleges.
The best outcome for the NRA at this juncture would be excising LaPierre and his self-dealing cronies, then reorganizing to become more transparent and responsive to its members, hew to accepted norms and laws governing nonprofits, and become a more responsible and mainstream voice for gun owners.
That may be quixotic, though. It could just be that the best future for advocates of responsible gun ownership is the dismantling of the NRA and the distribution of its assets.