The following was prepared by Gayle Gifford and can be found on her blog. This specific blog material is the product of Alliance for Nonprofit Management Governance Affinity Group research on nonprofit board leaders, particularly officers and committee chairs conducted in 2018. While the material was shared in a couple of national workshops and webinars, it has not been released in writing. Gayle and I believe there are findings worthy of discussion and thus the following. Please feel free to contact me and/or Gayle with any comments and/or questions.
Do your board leaders have too much responsibility?
In the P.C. (pre-Covid) year of 2018 P.C., a team* of consultants, members of the Alliance for Nonprofit Management Governance Community of Practice set out to learn more about the formal leaders of nonprofit boards. We assigned the phrase board leaders to refer to officers and committee chairs.
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
Who responded?
Through the magic of survey monkey and a process called snowball sampling, we heard from 398 leaders of boards of local, regional and national organizations. They came from 35 US states and about two dozen from across Canada.
Of these respondents:
- 216 chairs were board chairs, 36 of whom were co-chairs.
- 78 were vice chairs and 31 described themselves as chair-elects.
- 69 were board secretaries (also known as a clerk in some states)
- 35 were treasurers.
- 51% indicated they held positions as committee chairs, some of which overlapped with their officer positions.
How hard is it to recruit board leaders?
While we asked many questions, I wanted to zero in here on what we heard about job size.
For those of you serving on nonprofit boards, this may sound very familiar. Three-quarters of the leaders answering the survey said that it was at least somewhat challenging to recruit the formal leaders of their boards with 28% reporting that it was very or extremely challenging to recruit these leaders.
So what are the barriers to choosing to step up to board leadership?
- Overwhelming: time. 75% of respondents chose this answer.
- Next on the list, selected by half of the respondents, too much responsibility.
Farther down were lack of knowledge, lack of experience and just not wanting to step up.
The Goldilocks question: Too big, too little or just right?
So, in thinking about the perceived barriers of time and responsibility, I expected that we’d find out that the officer and committee chair jobs themselves were just drawn too large for these board volunteers.
So we asked the questions Goldilocks asked about each position:
- Is the job too big? (i.e. too much responsibility for any one person?)
- Is the job too small?
- Is the job just right?
If I were a betting girl, I would have picked out the board chair job as named as too big or having too much responsibility for any one human.
But instead, 63% said the board chair had the right amount of responsibility, including 67% of the chairs themselves!
Too be fair, among all the positions listed, respondents were most likely to pick the board chair as the position with too much responsibility, with 30% answering that way.
Based on my own practice, I just assumed the numbers for too much responsibility would be much higher.
The jobs selected as the most right-sized were committee chairs (77%) and the treasurer (71%), followed by the secretary at 66%, though secretaries themselves were more included to say their jobs were just right (72%).
What about Vice Chairs?
Among our team, Mike Burns and I were most interested in the role of the Vice Chair. Personally, I feel that the position of vice chair, like most state lieutenant governors, is a seriously underused leadership position. (see alternative suggestions farther down)
Overall, most board leaders agreed with me. Of the four officers and committee chair positions, less than half (45%) of respondents said the Vice Chair had the right amount of responsibility vs 25% who felt the job had too little (and a whopping 20% just didn’t know what to say).
But when we looked at what vice chairs said about their own jobs, the majority (61%) indicated that their role had the right amount of responsibility (hah!) with only 22% saying they felt they had too little.
But board chairs weren’t buying this. From the perspective of the board chair, 30% felt that their vice chairs had too little responsibility with only 41% feeling the had the right amount of work.
So what does this mean?
So, like you may have experienced, my decades of experience have shown me that it is definitely somewhat challenging to convince board members to step into leadership. And that’s especially true if there is not a well-develop leadership grooming system.
As I said, I expected a much larger majority of respondents in our survey to report that their board chairs had too much responsibility for one person. So why didn’t they?
While I am only speculating, I think that the job of the board chair is expected to be highly time consuming. So, if you’ve witnessed chair after chair working their butts off (no pun intended), you may have come to believe that this just what is expected of the board chair position.
Either that, board chairs have been pretending they have too much work to scare off rivals! NOT!
Reimagining Officers
Sadly, I don’t think most boards consider that they could restructure jobs and divide up tasks. We learned in our last survey, Voices of Board Chairs, that a top way of learning the chair’s job was to observe the chair already in office. It’s hard to break tradition.
But I’m giving you permission.
I’m of the mind that board leadership doesn’t have to be a full time job, especially that of the board chair. I do believe, if freed from traditional officer job descriptions and norms, our boards can develop practices that enable all board members to step up to take on leadership functions.
Here’s an example. As I’m in the camp that most vice chairs have too little to do (I don’t think of waiting for the board chair to be absent as a real job), you could send more responsibility the vice chairs way. Like what, you ask?
- Vice chairs could be responsible for ensuring well-functioning committees.
- They could be responsible for strategic planning.
- How about overseeing board accountability, including developing annual goals for the board and its committees.
- Or, you could go all the way to sharing leadership. The Chair and Vice chair could be co-chairs. And/or they would split their job tasks. One ideas if one chair to focus on board functioning (internal) and the other to focus on community engagement (external) such as engaging with donors, being a lead policy advocate, or just being out in the community in a more visible way.
I also suggest that your secretary, another position that seems under used in many organizations, might wear the additional hat of chairing the Governance committee.
Some organizations I’ve encountered have assistant every position, with jobs divided up. Those assistants are actively groomed to step into the leadership when the primary dog’s term is up.
To sum it up
Based on what our board leaders said, they themselves don’t feel they have too much to do. But they do think it’s at least somewhat challenging to fill those leadership roles because others perceive their jobs as taking too much time or having too much responsibility.
So consider evaluating all of your board leadership positions and distributing tasks more evenly among all of your officers and committee chairs.
Wouldn’t you like to have a board filled with leaders? I do. I want fellow board members serving with me who don’t wait to be asked to advance the work of their nonprofit boards. They step up.
If you’ve redesigned your board leadership, I’d love to hear your stories.
* Alliance for Nonprofit Management Board Leadership Research Team 2018: Mike Burns; Ann Cohen; Diane Fletcher, Judy Freiwirth, Gayle L. Gifford, Mary Hiland
Voices of Board Chairs Report