As you likely know by now, Planned Parenthood as chosen to no longer take the US government funds that support the care it provides to some 40% (nationally) of its patients. This decision, while it will have some financial impact and certainly affect who receives service, is a decision about core values. The board of Planned Parenthood, faced with the option of living by rules that conflict with its core value to meet the comprehensive health care needs of patients has chosen instead to not live by those rules and instead, serve fewer. Yes, as those on the opposing side of Planned Parenthood's political position, which reinforces its core value, state, Planned Parenthood has indeed made a choice to put its values first and not to be trumped otherwise.
It's clear that there will be institutional winners as a result of this choice. Other providers with different values (actually, opposing values) will step-up and be rewarded. The wave of political conservative and not seeing all people as deserving of heath care or other human rights continues. That politicians subscribe to values that clearly discriminate and do not view all people as having inalienable rights like freedom to decide what's in their own best interest (without harming others) brings us back to the colonial times when it was the king in a distant country who decided what it meant to be free.
Here's the Wall Street Journal article describing Planned Parenthood's action.