Still want faith bodies and nonprofits to be freely political and accept donor money that would have otherwise been spent through bodies that actually are intended for political purposes? The Johnson Amendment Repeal is back on the table and unless your board and volunteer's voices are heard (because right now under the Johnson Amendment you can't use your voice), this zombie of a proposed policy will live forever. And yes, there is good news - the political theater curtain is almost drawn - at least this year.
According to Politico:
House Republicans released a substantially revised year-end tax bill today, though the odds of it reaching President Trump’s desk seem to have only gotten longer.
Facing complaints from conservatives, Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas), the chamber’s top tax writer, added some of their top priorities, including language repealing the decades-old Johnson amendment, which bars nonprofits from engaging in political activities.
So, it may not need a huge voice but it won't hurt to let your representatives know that repeal is just plain bad politics.