A precipice is being reached today whereby the ability for "printing", yes, printing untraceable weapons will be possible for anyone with access to the materials and a 3-D printer. The sponsor of this knowledge: a nonprofit going by the name of Defense Distributed. Yes, a nonprofit. The purpose of the nonprofit appears to be to collect and make accessible the blue prints that enable the printing of the weapons. The Washington Post notes that the federal government has, via a court settlement, said this is an OK "thing" to do. And yes, to get its tax exemption, the federal government also said this was an OK thing to do.
The 1st Amendment (freedom of speech) folks are now engaged with Defense Distributed in defending a lawsuit against state Attorneys General who have initiated law suits to stop Defense Distributed from unleashing its weapons. For some reason, what effectively will result in the release of mass destruction tools is OK and meets the standard of being tax exempt and filling the void between what the government is asked to do by the public and the financial incentive by for-profits (although curious that for-profits don't see the financial possibilities).
I did go looking through Guidestar to see what kind of board would want to be responsible for the damage that will be unleashed. Nada! Surprising? Of course not! And hey, when the first mass destruction is wreaked as a result of these printed weapons, we will find this governing body and they will be held responsible but so too must be the IRS and the Federal Agency that says this is OK.