Strategic planning is the typical process used by a nonprofit board to fulfill its fiduciary duty by setting an organization's multi-year direction. Core to strategic planning is data. Directional decisions should reflect a board's understanding of its internal environment and external environment. Typical methods employed toward informing decisions, and particularly about constituent needs, demographics and psychographics include surveys, focus groups, and, interviews in addition to constituent use data. But, as a planning consultant, I recognize that gathering data is not an inexpensive prospect. And, equally important, direction is one thing while ensuring that whatever services are offered are done well and effectively.
So what about helping the board and management and providers understand needs as well as levels of satisfaction and outcomes between strategic planning periods? Governing Magazine offers the following advice which I would offer should inform management AND board discussions and decisions, again, beyond just strategic planning.
Here's some ideas:
• Use customer feedback to continually improve service, not as a punitive tool.
• Ask program managers what kind of customer-satisfaction data would be useful for them as management tools. They'll be motivated to use such data.
• Use more than one method. Surveys can be helpful if accompanied by individual or group interviews.
• Keep surveys very short (four or five questions, max, for most purposes), in order to increase the response rate. You can use longer surveys with certain customer groups that are motivated to complete them, such as those who have registered complaints.
• Publicize changes you've made that were the result of customer feedback. Doing so can increase your response rate.
• Pay attention to trend lines. If a new permitting system is developed, track customer satisfaction in the months before and after implementation.
And of particular note!
Surveys and focus groups certainly have their place, but so do simpler, automated customer-feedback tools. One that's gaining a lot of attention is the HappyOrNot system, which offers a simple way to get real-time feedback from large numbers of customers. HappyOrNot uses terminals with four "smiley face" buttons -- signifying very happy, somewhat happy, somewhat unhappy or very unhappy. Customers simply push the button that reflects their experience. The data are fed wirelessly to a web-based collection and reporting system. Responses are date- and time-stamped, allowing managers to monitor trends by time and location. People who would never fill out a 15-item questionnaire are willing to pause, touch one of the buttons and go on their way.
Thousands of businesses are using this system in countries around the world, and it's beginning to catch on in government, where a number of U.S. hospitals, airports, and passport and Social Security offices, along with some cities and counties, have installed HappyOrNot terminals. Riverside, Calif., has used the system since 2015, when its city council identified enhanced customer service as its top priority. There are HappyOrNot terminals at 11 city departments, as well as on the city's website (go to and wait about 15 seconds for the smiley and frowny faces to appear). The city is also using HappyOrNot terminals to monitor employee morale, a creative way to keep a finger on the pulse of the workforce.
You can create your own version of the happy-face product. It works because it's easy to understand, takes just a few seconds to use, is available immediately after service is provided, and provides location and time-specific information about the feedback. When managers receive ongoing customer feedback data and dig beneath the numbers to learn what they mean, they can make much better decisions.