It is likely, from a wide variety of sources, you are aware of the BoardSource report identifying the whiteness of nonprofit boards. If you are unaware you should go to the BoardSource Leading with Intent report and see the numbers for yourself. It's not pretty.
But while much has been said about the findings in the report that board composition remains disproportionately white and that's not good for those who are served by these nonprofits (one reason this is not good), I have not found much literature describing the experience of working for predominately white boards - another important "so what". Until now.
"Why most nonprofit boards resemble whiteboards and how to fix that" offers personal insight and experience, and yes, the numbers, that I believe only a person-of color could provide. Additionally, the article's author offers suggestions for change including:
"acknowledge the job dissatisfaction of employees of color"; make diversity a high priority; and, make recruitment practices formal, rigorous and systematic".
I would propose that doing all of these steps begins with a very first step of having not one but many conversations - likely first with the Governance Committee to create an ambassador for change and then with the whole board to adopt a commitment to implementing change. Sharing this article is a good starting point.