By now you have likely heard that the Sandy Hook Foundation has dropped Megyn Kelly as host of their upcoming Gala. The reason: Megyn planned to have as a guest on her new show (a 60 Minutes-like news show) this "guy" who denies that Sandy Hook ever happened. Megyn's position is that only by having this "guy" as a guest is it possible for the public to understand where he is at all coming from and more importantly, have a platform for challenging his position. Megyn offers that news is about getting out the facts and only through an interview is this possible.
But the folks at the Foundation don't accept this argument and while the presence of Megyn Kelly as host of the Gala would certainly have helped increase the profile of the Gala (and increase ticket sales). The Foundation is clearly putting "mission first" ahead of the possible loss of revenue. And in reality, the press this story is getting will likely ensure that the Foundation will not lose revenue.