Last week President Obama called upon the Boy Scouts to change their position regarding acceptance of gay men. At this point if I were President I would instead be asking what steps the Scouts will be taking to reduce the risks to scouts threatened by its pedophile leaders. This is of couse just one more of the many issues that are inherently part of Souting DNA,
But my better question for today centers on who really has the authority to get a nonprofit to behave differently. I believe the answer to be simple: the board of directors are the only folks with authority to make change.
Outside of the board, there are others who may influence change:
Donors -- don't give, give less or give with restrictions
Volunteers -- can express their opnions or not volunteer
Consumers -- stop using the service and maybe give voice
Bottom line -- a nonprofit doesn't have to change its behaviors and it can take the consequences that donors, volunteers and consumers may take their business elsewhere.