Just because it's so rarely this public I have to give kudos to the Pittsburgh Irish & Classical Theatre Board for taking the action and firing its founder/Director.
I unfortunately don't have enough information to better understand more fully what led to this action. From the Pittsburgh Gazette I understand that the now ex-director made a change in his presence at the Theatre. Once serving full-time, the Director over the last year switched to being spending only six months in Pittsburgh. I certainly don't know the so-what to being a part-time director of a full-time theatre but I would imagine that the demands would be greater.
That said the Gazette article suggests that the communications between the board and founder may not have been stellar. And there has not been a contract, ever. And, the Director is suggesting he may have some legal grounds for getting a bigger financial settlement for the dismissal.
Everything copacetic between the two? I'm not thinking so. Do both parties bear some responsibility? Likely. What's the first step? Communications and not after the fact.