If you believe that a former for-profit executive turned nonprofit founder and executive has something to say about how you can improve your nonprofit's success, then you may be interested in hearing what Steven Rothschild has to say.
The Non Nonprofit (Jossey Bass, 2012) offers seven principles (kind-of like other management improvement authors who have come before Mr. Rothschild): 1) Have clear and appropriate purpose; 2) Measure what counts; 3) Be market driven; 4) Create mutual accountability; 5) Support personal empowerment; 6) Create economic value from social benefit; 7) Be learning driven.
To illustrate his seven principles Mr. Rothschild tells stories about a number of nonprofits. And true to Jossey Bass style, there are helpful questions at the end of each chapter (which parallel the principles).
Should you purchase The Non Nonprofit? Maybe not if you already know AND practice these principles. I'm willing to admit that while most nonprofit execs actually do know these principles, they may not all fully implement what they know (e.g. being market driven).
If The Non Nonprofit can help in this regard, maybe the book is worth picking-up.