I'm not sure in these times and the times coming I would be thinking-up products or services to sell to nonprofits while admitting that for 30 years that's exactly what I've been doing.
But these are definitely more difficult times and maybe about to get even more difficult for nonprofits (given the projected government budget cuts). Meanwhile I was just reviewing a periodical focused on the charitable activities going on in a particular community and found there was no shortage in offerings for nonprofits.
For example, there's www.charityfundraising.autographstore.com which provides charity auction items to support charity fundraisers and charity benefits. Then there's www.socialsolutions.com/etofundamentals which provides performance management software for human and social services. Or what about StayClassy.org which is an "on-demand social fund raising solution for for Nonprofit organization allowing the receipt of on-line donations etc. And www.scrapdr.com offers collection boxes and FEDEX labels to collect used electronics or precious metals or the like. And finally, www.charitycharms.com produces usa-made sterling silver and pewter charms assembled by adults with disabilities (a social venture) as a fundraising item.
Well, I'm sure you get my point. As bad as the times may be, there's still opportunities to make a buck off of nonprofits. It's sort of a good thing (nonprofits maybe get a useful resource) but at the same time, couldn't nonprofits already resource challenged just ask their state or national associations to help address these varied needs and get a bigger piece of the pie produced for their own mission-related work instead of subsidizing the market place?