The Supreme Court just decided that corporations and unions are now "equal" with individual citizens. The consequence: corporations and unions, can spend as much money as they want to influence public policy, and get politicians elected. But nonprofits are left out of this ruling as most laws that govern them are not over-ridden by this decision. So, the consequence? The one voice for those who have limited if any voice are left out of the "equal citizen ruling" AND, even if they were included, they would not have the resources to equal their for-profit brethren in whatever they choose to influence. This is bad for all of us but particularly, the poor and disenfranchised.
Robin Williams recently suggested that legislators should wear those jackets that race car drivers have -- you know, the ones with all the corporate sponsor patches. Essentially, the Supreme Court has just said this is probably a reasonable step. But of course, there will be no patch for those without resources.