Imagine: another nonprofit has agreed to takeover your beleaguered nonprofit subsidiary. The subsidiary just isn't producing what you need it to and you want it gone from your fiduciary care. Now further imagine that one of your conditions to the nonprofit willing to take on your subsidiary is that they must get rid of their board chair -- a donor who is also a substantial contributor. You basically don't like the style of their chair and believe that they would not do well for your subsidiary.
Impossible? Maybe, maybe not. But this is one of the three terms being presented by GM to a Dutch company that wants to take over Saab (I've owned 4, this is close to my heart). If you were the nonprofit board facing a similar-ish situation, what would you do?
Note, this is not a purely academic question. In these times of mergers and acquisitions, the disposition of the board chair and other board members is certainly one of the "to-be-determineds" on the table.
To read about the GM part of this story, go here.