This is a story about two nonprofits and the boards that lead them in a tussle over which one will get federal support.
In this corner: the very last living veteran of World War I is serving as the voice for the District of Columbia World War I memorial. Mr. Buckles, in representing the World War I Memorial Foundation, is calling for the DC memorial to be designated as the official memorial honoring World War I vets.
And in the opposite corner: Senator Claire McCaskill who wants the Liberty Memorial at the National World War I Museum in Kansas City to be the official National World War I Memorial.
Now, it's America and we can have as many nonprofits as we want, doing the same work if needed and if donors will come forward. But a nationally dedicated and funded National World War 1 Memorial? Looks like we can really have or afford only one of these. And it will be up to the Senate to decide which it will be.
But, why couldn't the two Boards get together and figure out a solution beyond sending a 108 year-old veteran to battle Senator McCaskill? Is another war on this soil necessary to sort this out?
Kinda makes you wonder....